A Few Words

About Us


A Few Words About Us

CareNova Ltd is a social care agency that offers competent domiciliary care services for our service users to live as independently as possible. We aim to render the best care services which will enable our service users to live free and happy lives. We cherish ethics and make it a priority to ensure our service users enjoy some level of restored normal social functioning. We provide high quality care to service users from the ages of 18+ experiencing ailments such as dementia, physical impairments, mental health and eating disorders among others. It is our goal to ensure our service users live their lives to its maximum potential, their way. 

By staying we also offer quality staffing solutions throughout the UK. We take pride in our team of highly skilled, thoroughly vetted, and compassionate caregivers. Whether you’re a care home in need of professional staff or an individual seeking top-tier domiciliary care, Carenova is here to meet your needs.

Vision | Mission | Aims & Objectives


We will deliver the highest quality clinical care to sustain the health and well-being of every service user. We will assist in the provision of access to amenities and activities, and foster relationships that encourage fulfilling and rewarding life experiences for service users.


Our vision is to be a leader in empowering our service users through the delivery of whole personal care in the Northampton region.  

At CareNova Ltd, we believe we can achieve value and happiness through caring for people and changing the way home care services are rendered.


           CareNova Ltd’s aims and objectives are as follows: 

  • To assist clients to maintain their independence and quality of life in their own home.
  • To provide the best possible service with a friendly, caring and compassionate approach.
  • To be an outstanding care provider by empowering our service users to be self sufficient by providing our clients with first class care, using every means available, to achieve the best possible outcomes for them.
  • To provide appropriate trained and skilled staff that fit our clients’ needs.
  • To provide continuity of care wherever possible.
  • To respect the dignity and privacy of our clients.

Why We're the Right Choice

What sets our company apart from the rest is that we are true to our mission by implementing convenient care platforms not offered by other companies and involving service users in the decision-making process. We believe that it is the person’s right to make choices about their healthcare, including choosing to live and heal at home with comfort and dignity.


We understand that life is delicate hence treat our services users in a dignified manner with maximum respect. We treat each service user as an individual with unique needs and value a person’s inherent dignity and worthy.


We empower our service users to leave as independently as possible for happy and meaningful lives. We aim to offer skilled care workers to enable people who we support to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being. At CareNova Ltd, we uphold the human and citizenship rights of all who are supported by us and work for the organisation. Individual choice and personal decision-making are the right of all service users and will be supported by all the people who work for the organisation. The right of independence will be respected and encouraged for all service users and individual uniqueness of service users and visitors will be recognised and they will always be treated with dignity and respect.



At CareNova Ltd we value the best interests of the service users and ensure they live their lives comfortably. We see the person before the problem honouring the concept of unconditional positive regard for efficient problem solving. We empower our service users to live as independently as possible promoting service user growth. We adopt a client-centred approach to care in the delivery of personal care services and support the introduction of innovative home care strategies to provide the highest quality and comprehensive home care services to our clients that addresses the unique needs in each client’s tailored plan.


We have an excellent team providing care that improves the service user’s value of life. We walk with the service user in the process of recovery and empowerment for the creation of a whole being capable of living healthy and happy lives. The goal is to assist our service users to live their lives to their full potential with a sense of self worth


We have highly competent staff, with the right skills and experience to deliver excellent services. We encourage the development of rapport between the service user and the support worker. This is essential for effective problem solving as there is communication and trust built. We value our service users and recognise their inherent dignity and worth hence treat them with respect, valuing their contributions towards problem solving. It is our goal to restore our service user’s confidence, freedom and independence.