Personal Care

Personal Care

Our caregivers are trained to provide care with dignity and respect

To us, it’s personal. Whether it is helping you with personal hygiene, or keeping well and keeping active, all are important to your well-being, and we strive to ensure that life is lived to its fullest, no matter ones condition.

Sometimes personal care matters can be difficult for a close family member or friend to carry out, with some feeling awkward about a change in relationship or uncomfortable about completing the more intimate tasks. Having the appropriate support with personal care, whether its assistance with dressing, bathing or meals and medication, can make a big difference to one’s quality of life. This is why our Care Professionals are discreet and take time to build a relationship with our client to ensure it is a more individual, personal experience.

Different people have different needs and we adapt our personal care services to suit your specific requirements. Our caregivers are trained to provide care with dignity, respect and your opinion in mind, to ensure the best personal service for you is rendered.

Our care and support takes into account factors such as health conditions or the frailties associated with ageing, as we also offer care at home services tailored for those living with life changing, or long-term illnesses such as dementia, Parkinson’s and other conditions.

As with everything else we offer, our personal care services are tailored to you and your wishes.